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Administration of persons

How can mailings be sent to a group of persons? How are employees/teachers/volunteer types created or edited? How are employees/teachers/volunteer groups created or edited? What is a copy code and how do I get it?

Administration of persons_1The creation of person types and person groups is necessary in order to be able to quickly reach a group by announcement. Under lists (e.g. groups of people) it is possible to send an e-mail e.g. to the IT group and the board.

It is also possible to create labels  and/or form letters  for this group.





Administration of persons_2Individual participants in this group can be removed from the mailing list before sending an e-mail or a form letter.











Type of employees

In the main menu under "Administration" / "Persons" / "Type of employees" the list of all previously created employee types appears. Under "+" it is possible to enter another employee type. Example: Office

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Group of employees

The list of all previously created employee groups appears in the main menu under "Administration" / "Persons" / "Group of employees". Under "+" it is possible to add another employee group. The employee group is used for finer granulation of the employee type. The facility and location can be specified here. Example: Kindergarten, school, after-school-care, community.

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Type of teachers

In the main menu under "Administration" / "Persons" / "Type of teachers" the list of all previously created teacher types appears. Under "+" it is possible to enter another type of teacher. Example: Intern

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Group of teachers

In the main menu under "Administration" / "Persons" / "Group of teachersthe list of all previously created teacher groups appears. Under "+" it is possible to add another group of teachers. The group of teachers is used for the finer granulation of the teacher type. The facility and location can be specified here. Exmaple: intern school teacher, intern KIGA teacher

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Group of persons

The list of all previously created groups of people appears in the main menu under "Administration" / "Persons" / "Group of persons".

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Under "+" it is possible to add another group of people. A copy code is set up by the company X-Net GmbH for specific schools. If interested, please apply at:

You find more information on the topic of copy codes here Copy Code.

A group of people can also be listed immediately as an volunteering day (with time exposure). Here too it is defined whether this group of people is printed in the address book. A telephone number and/or e-mail address can be specified for the group for display in the address book.

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Volunteering Group

In the main menu under "Administration" / "Volunteering" / "Volunteering Groups" the list of all previously created volunteering groups apprears. Unter "+" it is possible to add another volunteer group.

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Volunteering Tags

In the main menu under "Administration" / "Volunteering" / "Volunteering Tags" the list of all previously created volunteering tags appears. Under "+" it is possible to record another volunteering tag incl. time exposure.

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Voluntary Service

In the main menu under "Lists" / "Volunteering" / "Voluntary service" all people who work in a volunteering position appear. The user has the option of filtering and to send an e-mail or a letter merge.

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Under "Lists" / "Volunteering" / "Volunteering interest" all people who want to take up volunteering appear. When e.g. a bazaar has to be organized, it can be searched for people who are interested in bazaar work. Here too there is the option of filtering and the starting an e-mail or form mailing.


Copy Code:

The copy code is an eight-digit number code that is made up of the person code and the respective class or group of people. In order to make a person appear in the copy list, it must have a personal code and be assigned to a class or group of people. This code is stored under the speficic person under "Other".

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